

If you’ve been waiting for my yearly freelancing update, I’m a little late this year, sorry! For those new to my freelancing updates, I’ve been freelancing (and transitioned to being a business owner) for a little over two years now, and it all started because of my blog. I don’t have enough space to go […]


I am three months into being a freelancer and finally starting to get used to it (more on that below), so I figured it was time for an update! If you missed my post I Quit My Job, I quit my job to become a freelancer, and things got a little crazy. I would really […]


Yep, I really quit my job! It was a pretty nerve-wracking experience, and things got pretty complicated and crazy, but everything is finally in place. And I actually quit because of my blog, but not to become a full time blogger (stick with me and everything will make sense at the end!). This is not […]

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