Taking a trip to see fall colors is becoming one of my favorite things to do, and lucky for me, Philly has some places nearby to see the pretty colors! (If you’re not able to leave Philly this fall, I highly recommend seeing Boathouse Row at peak fall colors). Matt and I have done trips […]
One of my favorite things about Philadelphia is the old buildings and quirky history (I’m such a history nerd!). If you haven’t been to Philadelphia, I’m sure you know Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell are here, but there are a ton of other beautiful historic buildings in Philadelphia, too. One of my favorite historical […]
Yep, you read that title correctly. There really is a town in Pennsylvania called Intercourse, and it’s actually in Amish country. I’ve been wanting to visit the Lancaster area since I moved to Philadelphia a year ago because I love traveling around the area, and Matt and I had a free weekend last week so we […]
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